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Journaling Prompt Idea to Embrace the Alchemy of Your Monthly Bleed

Writer's picture: Ariana Ariana

Updated: Apr 12, 2024

Hi beautiful beings <3

I’m sitting here on a peaceful April afternoon in my little garden hearing the water trickle from our makeshift fountain while I deeply breathe in this fresh spring air, both physically and energetically. 

By energetically, I mean my body’s monthly cleansing & purging ritual of inner winter, my bleed, my menstruation, has lovingly come and gone. 

I’m a firm believer that our period, the largest hormonal drop of our entire cycle, invites us to create time & space for slow-easeful-living so that magic can unfold without resistance.

You see, our period invites us to step into the energy of our inner witch in the woods. 

So picture a witch walking deeper & deeper into the woods. 

She’s alone with her shadows as she alchemizes all the pain and all the hurt that still lives within her by simply sitting and fully feeling her emotions without judgment. The key is always without judgment. <3

Our inner witch knows that our period marks a powerfully exhausting time of shedding & navigating our deepest wounds yearning to be felt. 

Yearning to be witnessed. 

Yearning for alchemy.

Magically enough, because of our body’s ancient intelligence, our shadows don’t just come without warning during our bleed. We actually start to feel them creeping up during our luteal phase (premenstrual phase, our inner autumn) when the veil slowly begins to thin following ovulation. 

This thinning of the veil occurs on a cellular & hormonal level as the rise in progesterone, the hormone secreted following ovulation, activates our right brain (intuition, unconscious mind, shadows, creativity) and softly silences our left brain a little (rational mind).

Which is why sooo many old patterns, childhood dramas, insecurities, limiting beliefs, and all the unconscious aspects of our personality that we don’t “like” show up during this time..

Because hormonally our body’s are preparing for ALCHEMY during our bleed to release what no longer serves us, to create space to fulfill our hopes & dreams during our inner spring.

Always remember that every insecurity, every doubt, every limiting belief that we feel simply desires acknowledgement & gratitude for their efforts to protect us and keep us safe, they are here as a vessel for healing and transformation during this time. 

And so, the more we ignore the whispers of our shadows, try to push them away, or resist fully feeling them, the louder these parts of ourselves become, each cycle getting louder & louder, demanding our undivided attention. 

This previous cycle, my luteal phase felt like ROUGH waters for me as I navigated enormous waves of shame, guilt, doubt, comparing myself to others, & lack of self-trust. 

This is why I loveeeee to pay attention to my insecurities when they surface during my inner autumn because it’s like a roadmap to EXACTLY what I need to energetically purge and release during my inner winter, my bleed. 

So as I’m sitting here freshly in my inner spring, feeling spacious, open, dazzled, and inspired (a huge contrast to how I felt one week ago), I wanted to share with you my journaling ritual that helps me energetically purge what no longer serves me during my bleed, informed by my luteal phase. 

For your next cycle, I invite you to ritualize and honor your body’s ancient wisdom by noticing what comes up for you and materialize it down into paper. 


Journaling prompt idea for your monthly bleed:

1.During your luteal phase (premenstrual phase, inner autumn), journal about what’s coming up for you. What are your deepest insecurities during this time? What old patterns are resurfacing for you? Where are you playing small? What are your deepest fears? What are your shadows trying to communicate with you? Remind yourself to simply write, notice, & observe without judgment and without trying to fix yourself. You are NOT broken, you're simply flowing through your inner seasons. Remind yourself that this phase is for feeling and BEING, not fixing and DOING. Breathing & moving through the uncomfortable sensations of sitting with your shadows without judgment is powerful medicine. 

2. Once your bleed arrives, journal about these shadows and powerfully write to yourself that with your bleed you will shed every one of these insecurities because they no longer serve you. Meet with your deepest darkest beliefs with love & tenderness, acknowledging their existence, thanking them for their efforts in keeping you safe, and lovingly confessing to them that they are no longer needed to keep you safe. They no longer need to be in the driver’s seat, because you, your highest self, have all you need within yourself to steer your life in the direction of your dreams. 

3. Look at your blood and feel the blood flowing out of you as the materialization of you physically releasing these old stagnant energies in order to create space for love and wholeness!


Always remember that our period is a time of deep reverence...

Purging rituals aren’t ever “fun”, they are quite exhausting, but they help move so much stagnant energy & clear sooo much space for love & wholeness✨💗

Many ancient cultures designed spaces for women to seek solitude, rest, and look inwards during their bleed. And once it was time to reintegrate with the community, they were honored as being that much wiser and that much more in tune with her body & nature <3

Always keep in mind that the way we treat ourselves during this season sets us up to how we feel during our inner spring and inner summer (ovulation) with loads of beautiful energy & inspiration. 

If you’d like to stay in touch and updated with my latest writings, you can subscribe to my email newsletter here where I share the latest blog posts, special offers, tips, and musings all about cyclical living, womb wellness, and feminine radiance <3

Click here if you’d like to learn more about my signature offering, the Womb Awakening Portal (WAP), where we dive deeeeply into honoring our inner seasons with intuitive cyclical living <3

With so much love & gratitude,

Ariana <3

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